Failure To Diagnose Heart Disease

If your heart disease was not diagnosed in a timely manner, you may be entitled to compensation

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Modern medicine has allowed for tremendous advances in the fight against heart disease, which remains the leading cause of death in America. A variety of effective treatments often allow heart patients to live full, active lives.

But these positive outcomes can only be achieved when doctors and other healthcare professionals recognize the signs and symptoms of heart disease or defects. Heeding these warning signs and directing the patient down the proper path of treatment are the responsibility of healthcare providers.

Unfortunately, doctors sometimes fail to make an accurate or timely diagnosis, and heart disease goes undetected. This can result in stroke, heart attack, even death tragic scenarios that could have been avoided with early intervention.

Berman & Simmons is widely recognized as the best personal injury lawyers in Maine and among the best in the U.S. We have obtained several of the largest medical malpractice jury verdicts in Maine history, and many of the largest settlements for our clients. We have recovered $1.45 billion for our injured clients.

Medical professionals are expected to follow the standards of care accepted by the members of their profession and specialty. A failure to diagnose heart disease can occur when a physician does not properly investigate, test or follow up to timely diagnose and treat a patient’s condition. Failure to diagnose heart disease is one type of medical malpractice, and patients who have suffered as a result have the right to recover for damages.

For the best results, you need the best Maine medical malpractice lawyers

We have helped numerous victims who have been harmed by medical malpractice and we understand the challenges you face. We realize that beyond the physical struggles, the emotional and financial impacts can be overwhelming.

Our lawyers and staff members take the time to listen to you, understand your concerns, and come up with solutions that can make your life better, including obtaining payment for or deferral of your debts until your case is resolved.

No other firm in Maine can match our resources and expertise

Our attorneys understand the medicine and the relevant laws in these cases. We have successfully represented people throughout Maine who have been harmed because of a failure to timely diagnose heart disease and other conditions.

You should also contact us if you lost a loved one to heart disease and believe it should have been diagnosed earlier as you may be eligible to recover damages through a wrongful death claim.

Let Us Help You Win

A Law Firm That Listens

Berman & Simmons is widely recognized as the best personal injury lawyers in Maine and among the best in the U.S., having won many of the largest jury verdicts and settlements ever obtained for injured people in Maine.

Our trial lawyers have won thousands of claims on behalf of those injured in a car accident, and each year we build on that successful track record.

Our attorneys and staff members will take the time to listen to you, work to understand your concerns, and come up with solutions that can make your life better, including obtaining payment for or deferral of your debts until your case is resolved. We help you recover and make sure you receive full compensation for your injuries and loss.

Get Peace of Mind

It never hurts to consult an attorney regardless of whether you decide to move forward.

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    You may need to discuss whether an autopsy is necessary to prove that the negligence caused a love one’s death.

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    Obtaining complete medical records from hospitals and other providers is a daunting task.

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    Maine’s statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases is short in comparison to the statute of limitations for general personal injury claims.

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    Important evidence may be lost or degraded over time.

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    You’ll need help navigating your medical care and dealing with financial pressures.

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    You need peace of mind to focus on your recovery.

$8.5 Million

Paralysis due to mismanagement of
degenerative spine

$2.5 Million

Catastrophic injuries in a head-on car accident


Wrongful death case involving negligent


Plaintiff Rear Ended by
Telephone Truck

$5 Million

Delay in diagnosis and treatment of cancer

$1.2 Million

Significant Head Injury Car Accident

Contact Us Today


  • What do I prepare for the first call or meeting with you?

    For your first meeting with us, simply tell us your story and explain in your own words what happened and how your life has been affected. If you’re meeting with us in person, you can bring notes about what happened to you, driver insurance information, names of any witnesses, photos of the accident damages or injuries, medical records, and other related paperwork if you have it and if it’s applicable, but that information isn’t necessary. Really all you need to do is be yourself, speak with us honestly, and be willing to tackle your problems with us.

    Initial conversations between potential clients and our staff members are often done over the phone. Rest assured that everything we discuss is confidential and protected under law.

  • How much will a lawyer cost me?

    The lawyers at Berman & Simmons work on a contingency basis. That means you pay nothing up front and nothing unless we settle or win your case. We will consult with you, evaluate your situation, and do initial research free of charge. This is true even if we decide you don’t have a valid claim. We will also cover all necessary case expenses and you will not be obligated to reimburse us until and unless we recover monies on your behalf. if we do take your case and win a settlement or a jury verdict in your favor, a percentage of the compensation goes to pay for our costs and the work done by our legal team.

  • How will I know if I have a case?

    To pursue a case, we will need to prove that you suffered a substantial personal injury and the injury was directly caused by the negligence of another party. A bad result alone is not enough to establish negligence. We let you know upfront if we are able to move forward with the legal process, or if we don’t think you have a case. Generally, we will know if you have a case after our first phone call or meeting.

    If we believe you have a valid claim and decide to move forward with litigation, our attorneys and staff will then take it from there and do everything else that needs to be done, including obtaining and reviewing records relevant to your case, such as accident reports and other law enforcement documents, employer records, medical records, and other information.

  • How long will it take to resolve my case?

    Every case is different, and there is no way to predict how long it will take for your case to be resolved. Some cases end in a matter of months, while the most complex and challenging cases, such as a medical malpractice case, can span several years. The vast majority of cases, however, are resolved before a trial and usually within a year.

    The goal is to make sure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, no matter how long it takes whether that comes in the form of a pre-trial settlement, or with a jury verdict in your favor.

  • How much is my case worth?

    There are many factors that need to be considered when determining the value of your case. Every case is unique and it takes a team effort — including your attorney, staff researchers, and outside experts — to determine the extent of your damages and how much your case is worth. There are two types of damages for which you could receive
    compensation: Economic and non-economic.

    If your case goes to trial and a jury agrees you deserve compensation, the jury members will decide how much the money you should receive for each category of damages.